The last book I read was Eat, Love, & Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert which was months months ago. I have just been too busy to actually sit down to read a book. I bumped into my cousin, Maricel, who was "hiding" in the library of the club anxious to read and finished the book. To my surprise, when I checked my Multiply site, my friend Pam, blogged about the same book too. Hmm, interesting. I said to myself, "It's about time that I give my laptop a rest and try and read a book." The very next day, which was my "shopping" day, I asked the driver to drop me off at the nearest bookstore (National) near the grocery (SM) while he picked up my son from school. On the bestseller display was the all the other 3 books but not Twilight. Hmm, I asked the sales lady and it was already out of stock. Bummer! As I was about to leave the bookstore, the same saleslady was running after me with the last hardbound copy of the book. Yay!! Better yet it was on sale! Double yay! Hahaha. I couldn't wait to settle down to start the thick 498 paged novel. As always momma duties and others comes first. Finally at 10pm, I began to read. Stopped after 4 chapters and slept. But I didn't really want to. All in a days work, I finished the book. Now, I can't wait to get the rest of the series. It's an easy read. Enchanting and kilig! hahahahaha.... PS it's a teen book but it's worth it. As always, I googled the book and site. Wow, I didn't realize that it was this big..=)
The movie will come out before the end of the year. Watch the trailer here
SPOILER ALERT if you havent read the series... but it just makes you want to read some more. - click here - New Moon.
I want to get into this series too. I added the titles to my Paperspine (like Netflix but for books) reading list. Eat, Pray, Love is there too :)
I'm on the 4th book now. I must admit that the 2nd book wasn't that great. It was more of another character and Bella. Love-triangle type. Hahahah... BUT i loved the 3rd book...
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