Saturday, September 06, 2008


Yesterday was the 7th Recyclers Fair (Waste Management). I brought a little breakfast treat for the everyone. I made Calamansi Muffins, then later on, there was other snacks. All of a sudden people were giving us otter pops (thanks Christine), and even apples. But I think the best gift, even though it couldn't be shared was an Powerbook! Yup, this missionary priest gave his laptop to Blezie. It was still working. It was only the screen hinges that broke. Lucky her. Hmm, those Calamansi Muffins must be the luck! It was HOT and HUMID! The Barangay c/o Lani, treated us to lunch at Pancake House. Story time and sharing during the meal and the much needed cooling off! AIRCON!! Then back to work in the sweltering heat...

click here for more pictures

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