Saturday, August 30, 2008


Introducing INDIGO BABY's newest INVENTION!

Our super secret home made concoction to finally rid of your cockroach problems. Made from all-natural ingredients this surefire total roach warfare powder is a MUST for every household! The yummy mummies have no mercy against these pests because we know our babies crawl on the floors and we'd hate to see them have creepy crawler friends :P

Oh, they're chemical and deet free which makes you less guilty of killing them buggers ;)How to use: Scoop a small amount and place on cardboard on corners or roach infested areas. Be surprised to see dead roaches the very next day! It works like magic!

P60 for glass bottles for pick up only
(bottles not intended for shipping

* Place a small amount of roach wars powder in the middle and place cardboard in corners, under the sink, behind the toilet or other roach infested areas. Make sure that this is out of reach (just to be safe for your kids!)

FOR ORDERS Call or Text: 0905.265.0027

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