Wednesday, January 03, 2007


It has been exactly 22 days since I last logged on to this site. Yikes. Christmas really wears me out. Honestly, I just have to "happy" for my son but for myself, so-so. Parties here and there. Dinners here and there. Gatherings here and there. It's nice but it's also very stressful. I promised myself that I would only go to 4 parties/gatherings this year. My mother and father's side, my neighbors and of course my best friends. I'm soooo glad that the festivities are over. Back to the daily grind.
I woke up 3 days ago with pain in my knees. Yesterday, I could hardly walk. I can feel that there is something wrong with me. I have been having more and more headaches. It's been getting hard for me to walk. I have been tripping more often than not. One night, I fell from my chair reaching out for wrapping paper. I have been loosing my balance a lot too. My BP has been high despite the medications that I have been taking. Hmm.. what's wrong with me?

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