Thursday, February 16, 2006


It was the usual OT/PT early afternoon for me after which I would pick up Luis from school. Lori sent me a message saying that we will bring the kids to Starbucks for merienda at 4:30pm. RIOT... but fun. Poor customers who had meetings and even architectural consultations ( one looked the guy who did our house a few years back), and just simply having a cup of coffee, had to put up with 6 kids and 4 mommies telling the kids to tone down thier voices. Haha.
Since we were getting pretty wild, we opted to visit the Koi Village just a few blocks from Starbucks. Luis has been there several times with my Pappy but it was my first time. Since I was basically clueless about the Koi, I took the liberty in doing basic research. This is what I found - click here

After our little adventure, we all went to Dedette and Monchit's house where the 6 kids became 9. UBER RIOT. Haay. But as always the KIDS HAD FUN. Til next time...LIFE GOES ON


Anonymous said...

felix used to call me mari-koi :-|

i am grossed out at kois, i dunno why. but nothing tops the catfish (hito). ugh. haha.

i wonder if we can all do fuego again with the kiddies.

blissful COW said...

We should... lets plan it. When will we have Janlo's shower??