Friday, July 29, 2005

The Art of Downing Pills - The BIG Gulp!

Never in my life did I ever have to take so many pills at one time.
Vitamin C and E were constant until recent medical studies that have proven that these two are harmful causing build-ups in the arteries and blockages. Although not to entirely remove these two from the medicinal diet, taking a Multivitamins would be sufficient.
Metformin Hydrochloride (Humamet ®) was given to me to thin my blood and help me get ever-so-reliable GEORGE. But it is a is the most prescribed drug for lowering blood sugar levels in people with type-2 diabetes. Diabetes? Do I have diabetes?? Idon'tt think so. In fact I have low-blood sugar or is that the same or just the reverse?
Myonal - muscle relaxant and anti-spasticity. Been taking this since day one of my hospitalization 6 years ago. It's my happy drug...
Just late last year, I was rushed to the ER because I couldn't breathe. I ate pancit (noodles). Little did I know that I was highly allergic to crustaceans. After tests and tests I am highly allergic to the following. Dust, Dustmites, Crustaceans, and some fruits. Even nuts... in the end... i was given Aleva and 2 other emergeny meds just in case. Again as the doctor said, everything in moderation is still the recommendable.
Then this summer because of the heat, my BP shut up to 160/110! That is too high for me. So my cardiologist put me on yet another medicine to lower my BP but sometimes it's too low too. 90/70 hahaha! Since when?
Then of course the quick fix over the counter for colds, cough, and flu.... haay!
I therefore conclude that I am a walking prescription-given druggie! Lets DRINK to that! Haahahah.

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