Saturday, May 16, 2009

BABYLEGS - What would you do for Love?

"BabyLegs LLC has grown from one mom’s diaper bag essential to an essential product for all. They began as a solution to keep little legs warm, and now the uses are endless! Nicole Donnelly, then a stay-at-home mom, created BabyLegs to keep her dear daughter, Sara’s, little legs warm, while she was diaper free to allow bad rashes to heal. This impromptu invention not only allowed Sara’s rash to heal, but also protected her from many elements, made diaper changes quick and easy, kept her knees protected while crawling, and provided sun protection. Beyond all of these benefits, the leg warmers were also very fashionable. After numerous inquiries from other moms about where Donnelly found the little leg warmers, she began selling her invention out of a diaper bag, and the popularity of BabyLegs spread quickly throughout the community. BabyLegs can now be found in over 50 countries from Israel to Chile to Iceland. That is our rash to riches story – we hope you enjoy our sweet BabyLegs. - Sara & Nicole"

I really wish I had gotten into this sooner. I didn't see the need since we live in a tropical country. But BabyLegs are lightweight and surprisingly cool. Thanks to Indigo Baby, I was able to get hold of some. Also my clients have been ordering too. Below are the versatile BabyLegs Luis has and uses. We take them when we watch a movie but more so in school. Because Luis is almost 10 years old, I couldn't get those adorable and cute colors for him. Hehehe.

Believe me there are tons of colors and designs to choose from. Better yet check out my website and see how you can avail of these musy haves. - click here . Enjoy!


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